Abusing Friendster
Be responsible. I am reporting the abuse of these accounts. One by one. I don't care who you are but you have to respect these people too.
Work is my commitment. Learning is my passion. Faith is my strength. Love is my life.
The name Ardythe:good war (Anglo-saxon); flowering field (Hebrew); spiritual prosperity (Swedish); Norwegian goddess.
The call comes as a UN conference on the vulnerability of small island developing states gets underway in
"Healthy ecosystems can save lives," said Isabelle Louis, Director of the WWF Asia Pacific Programme.
"Places that had healthy coral reefs and intact mangroves, which act as natural buffers, were less badly hit by the tsunami than those where the reefs had been damaged and mangroves ripped out and replaced by prawn farms and poorly planned beachfront hotels."
For example, in the
As humanitarian needs for food and shelter are met, WWF calls for long-term green reconstruction efforts. They should capitalise on natural defence mechanisms, appropriate coastal zone planning, rehabilitation of habitats, and restoration of sustainable livelihoods.
"Poorly planned coastal development has compounded the impact of the tsunami,Ó said Mubariq Ahmad, Head of WWF Indonesia. "It is vital that we don't make the mistakes of the past. We need to rebuild in a sustainable and safe way."
WWF is recommending that coastal developments are in the future not built within a safety zone from the high-tide mark, and is calling for strong coastal zone management policies, planning and/or better implementation within the region.
WWF also supports steps to undertake the tsunami impact and natural disaster risk assessments. These are vital so that coastal ecosystems, such as coral reefs, mangroves, marshes, and forests that buffer the impact of tsunamis are appropriately rehabilitated and restored.
While WWF recognises the immediate need for timber for emergency housing and workplace needs, it is strongly advocating that timber for long-term reconstruction efforts should be harvested from responsibly managed forests. Indiscriminate logging could contribute towards other calamities in the future, such as landslides and flooding.
In the short term, it is also imperative that the fisheries sector is reconstructed responsibly as it is the primary source of livelihood for the thousands of communities affected by the tsunami.
WWF warns that if devastated communities are not adequately resourced to regain immediate access to fishing, there is a real risk that opportunistic fishing fleets will move into the region, and further compound their current plight.
¥ 37 island nations are attending the UN conference on Small Island Developing States from 10-14 January in
¥ WWF is sending an open letter to key participants at the UN conference, offering assistance and support for a green reconstruction for all nations affected by the tsunami.
¥ Coral reefs and mangroves are biologically rich ecosystems that can provide a significant source of income for local communities to rebuild their lives.
For further information:
Claire Doole, Head of Press
WWF International
Tel: +41 79 477 3564
E-Mail: cdoole@wwfint.org
Olivier van Bogaert, Senior Press Officer
WWF International
Tel: +41 79 477 3572
E-Mail: ovanbogaert@wwfint.org
Corruption, primarily in government, has become a major issue in poor countries including the Philippines.
One of the reasons is that it?s there, like Mount Everest, having been around for decades in these countries, and having grown into proportions so monstrous it?s evident in every arena of public life.
Another reason is the international finance institutions??for example the World Bank?s and the Asian Development Bank?s?relatively recent focus on it.
It?s logical enough. Corruption has so metastasized that these institutions now see it as a hindrance to foreign investments, which in their view is the key to economic development in the former colonies and present neo-colonies. (A neo-colony is a country that has the formal trappings of independence, but whose economic policies and governance are actually under foreign control.)
Bureaucratic extortion and irregularities in the awarding of government contracts?meaning the non-implementation of such rules as bids and bidding conditions, for example?not only add to the cost of doing business in the Philippines. They also mean unpredictable results in one?s ventures.
When a foreign investor stays away for these reasons, goes the argument, the result is that the employment that could otherwise have been generated doesn?t happen. The production of goods people can use or consume doesn?t take place. Economic growth suffers as a result.
Progressive economists like Alejandro Lichauco take exception to the argument that assigns a crucial role to foreign investments as a factor in economic development. They point out that the amount of employment generated by foreign ventures is often exaggerated, that foreign investors put in much less capital than conventional economists claim, and that they in fact make use of domestic credit facilities.
In any event, the World Bank and the ADB look at corruption primarily as a hindrance to foreign investments. Characteristically, the most recent ADB report on corruption in the Philippines is entitled ?Improving the Investment Climate in the Philippines.?
And yet the most critical consequence of corruption is not its impact on the confidence of foreign investors, but on the citizenry in terms of inadequate social services, and even on the country?s prospects for the future. Corruption also kills. And as we have seen in the Philippines, corruption compromises the country?s future.
Filipinos are familiar with roads that wash away with the first rain, bridges that collapse, and buildings without fire exits?all made possible via the inspectors of these constructions? looking the other way in consideration of the usual SOP ("Standard Operating Procedure": a previously respectable term that in the bureaucracy now means bribery).
When the inevitable comes?when a bridge collapses under less than the load it was built for, or when a fire breaks out?hundreds die and are injured. But not only kickback-built structures maim and kill. In November of 2004, Filipinos also learned that the medical services of the Armed Forces of the Philippines also administer expired drugs to soldier-patients. Such drugs are given away free by the drug companies. Using them instead of purchasing their still potent counterparts means that the funds thus ?saved? can go into the bank accounts of the responsible officials. No one knows how many soldiers or the dependents of soldiers have died as a result.
Meanwhile, the Department of Education, one of the most corrupt government departments in the Philippines together with Public Works and Finance, has dumbed-down who knows how many people by making error-filled textbooks available to millions of school children.
The same department has also made sure that there will be more than the usual number of dolts among the citizenry in the future by hiring unqualified but politically-connected teachers. It also has a classroom shortage so severe thousands of children can?t attend school for weeks at a time every rainy season because their ?classrooms? are actually the shade of the nearest mango tree.
The ADB report correctly observes that corruption is now ?systemic and widespread across all levels of the bureaucracy". But Tom Crouch, ADB Country Director for the Philippines, told a press conference that the will to implement reforms is not at issue in the Philippines, but rather ?the pace of reform.?
Crouch said he was convinced of the Arroyo government?s commitment to reform, but said in the same breath that what is missing is ?firm political will and commitment to implement the required policies and civil service reform.?
One can understand Crouch?s dilemma. The ADB report identifies the culprit as the bureaucracy?but the ADB nevertheless has to rely on the big bureaucrats who control the bureaucracy to reform it.
The biggest bureaucrat in the Philippines is the President, who occupies a post so powerful he or she can influence what laws Congress will pass and even how the Supreme Court will interpret them, on the basis of his or her domestic and foreign policies?or what pass for policies.
If she wishes, the President can also summarily dismiss corrupt officials in both the military and civilian bureaucracies. The President can convince the bureaucracy that she is truly committed to rooting out corruption by seeing to it that her associates and relatives as well as she herself are above suspicion for the same offenses.
Despite the vast powers available to the Presidency, no one who has occupied that post has used them to combat corruption. On the contrary. Cronyism?favoring one?s associates over others?has become a principal hallmark of the Presidency, as have the prosperity of relatives, and in most instances, the President?s own. The biggest and most corrupt officials are tolerated, their remaining in office assured by their closeness to the chief executive and by the excuse that nothing can be proven in court, while apprehending small-time crooks are held up as proof of government sincerity in combating corruption.
Why this happens is rooted in the elite monopoly over political power, which itself is assured by fraudulent elections in which who has the most money decides victory. Once elected, the official must pay off the debts, political or otherwise, he or she has incurred?and one of the modes of repayment is appointment to posts lucrative in the opportunities for corruption they provide.
What?s part of the problem cannot be part of the solution. The dominance of the political and economic elite over the Philippine state being at the root of corruption in government, it stands to reason that the crooks cannot be their own prosecutors.
Only the participation of the poor and the powerless in governance can address corruption. Growing public awareness of its disempowerment as a critical factor in government corruption has thus led to vigorous efforts at broadening political participation.
But the elite that benefits from its monopoly of power, and which uses that power to rob the citizenry of public funds to the detriment of the social services to which it is entitled, will not be a party to the eradication of the very conditions that enable it to abuse public power in behalf of its private interests.
Every effort to broaden political participation, whether through authentic party- list groups representing marginalized sectors, or through mass movements and sectoral organizations like women?s and labor groups, is thus being met with police refusal to grant permits and/or violent police dispersals?and in extreme cases, with harassment, threats and assassinations.
It?s logical enough from the elite standpoint. The democratization of political power is the first condition for ending its monopoly over power and one of its consequences, ?widespread and systemic? corruption. For the democracy to which it pays lip service to actually happen would be the worst of disasters for it.
We have improved during the past few years?we have been gaining more methods and increasing the rating of corruption. Doom is looping over our country. Greed is what makes men live by this. He wants to have more than his neighbor. Honest people have been tempted too, yet only a few are strong enough.
I have been writing about corruption since highschool and yes it has changed. Before, small cities do not engage in this activity but perhaps they see themselves and compare their lowly selves to those that they see on tv and the papers. When they attend activities, they can see that they do not have the grandeur that the corrupt has. As a result, they desire for more and it is really easy to accomplish these. Just make sure that the accomplice will not sing. How? Give him his share. And the share should not be a measly amount , otherwise when another is offered, and definitely higher, he is more likely to be a connivance to that.
We pay our taxes as an ordinary citizen. Aside from that we also pay for VAT and real estate property tax. Where do they go? Yes they go the our beloved country's projects for the welfare of the people. They go somewhere else too..To the pockets of our leaders, our engineers, our police, and other servants. Yes we do have the hospitals, roads, bridges and more, but we could have more than that,.and better ones too. Our education is already suffering because of the lack of teachers and classrooms. Books that have been provided for free are for sale. Remember the time that wrong books are used? This is a History book and the facts are false. If you think that the teacher is safe from corruption, think again. She (or he) is likely to fail a poor student but the rich, though not that smart, can easily breeze his way through the academe. Our researches are not that supported that is why the Filipino inventors seek patents and royalty outside the country. What about shortchanging? This is also a sign. Imagine the department store or supermarket shortchanging every customer 10 centavos and they cater to 1 customer every two minutes and there are 50 cashiers. Multiply the product to eleven shopping hours = 165,000 centavos or 16,500 pesos! The drivers also do that. When you take home the company's supply of paper...what do you think? The military has a lot of expenditures but still we do not have the latest gadgets for defending our country against terrorism.
Corruption starts young. This activity has been as old as civilization.
| You scored as Neutral Good. A Neutral Good person tries to do the
'goodest' thing possible. These people are willing to work with the law to accomplish their goal, but if the law is corrupt they are just as willing to tear it down. To these people, doing what's right is the most important thing, regardless of rules, customs, or laws.
What is your Alignment? created with QuizFarm.com |
You Are 17 Years Old |
17 Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
You Have A Type B+ Personality |
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Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence |
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