Speak It Out

Work is my commitment. Learning is my passion. Faith is my strength. Love is my life.

My Photo
Location: Manila, Philippines

The name Ardythe:good war (Anglo-saxon); flowering field (Hebrew); spiritual prosperity (Swedish); Norwegian goddess.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Greatest Woman in My Life

She has quite a temper. She wants things done the right way. She does not always acknowledge her mistakes.

Yet when you are sick she worries so much and takes care of you that you come first before anything else. She wants you to tell the stories of your life whether you just watched a movie, had a project, or did some community service. She wants you to weigh things before finally deciding. She molds you to be a responsible individual, just as she is even if those tasks are not for her benefit. She is quiet and never makes a scene. She has her own weaknesses and sometimes breaks down but most of the time she is firm and strong. She can be sweet when she wants to. She is humble and appreciative of the people around her. She is musically inclined yet hesitant to show it to others. She would give in for something that you want, even if it meant taking what she wanted. Most of all, she has an extraordinary faith in God which she has inculcated in the family.

Because she loves you.

She is the greatest woman in my life. My mother. On her birthday today, I honor her more than I do everyday. I have never been embarrassed to tell her that I love her, or be expressive of my feelings.

Because we never know what and when are God's plan for us.

Friday, September 23, 2005


Last night I was so happy because I will be going with him to St. Jude. After the mass and novena we went to SM Manila since it was already 8:30 and mall hours are until 9 only. He purchased a teddy bear and a card. I told him to buy this certain bear and he said it looked like a lazy bear and besides it has no eyes (because the fur is hiding the eyes) and I joked don't you want it to look like you since he has chinky eyes. hahaha. I know the girl but have forgotten her. She turned him down before. He was saying we're not meant for each other. He was driving fast that we beat two red lights and the other lights are all green. I don't know but he was thanking God for being with us and no I am not going to have motorbikephobia because I know we are always safe. ..Then we went to Sto. Domingo for the CLP since I had to meet someone and it was also his plan. After finding out that the people who were supposed to sign the card were not there, he left and returned a few minutes later. The eagerness that I saw in him when we were going to the mall and Sto. Domingo was gone. The girl is in Pampanga. We asked our another sister the process at the airport so that he could give them to her since her flight to Dubai is at 11pm. When I left he was still so sad. Surprisingly I should be not feeling good after the incident, taht I should be happy since she is leaving, but then I am also feeling sad...

Thursday, September 22, 2005

100 Free Gmail Invites

From 50 that never seems to run out, Gmail now gives out 100! Want one? Comment on this post. click on the free gmail invites icon on the sidebar or email me your current email address and I will gladly send one to you.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Cine Europa

1:00 PM
23-Sep Un honnêtte commerçant (Step by Step)
24-Sep L' Auberge Espagnole (The Spanish Apartment)
25-Sep Twinni
29-Sep Liever verliefd (I love to love)
30-Sep Villa des Roses
1-Oct Extranjeras (Foreign Women)
2-Oct Millions

4:00 PM
23-Sep Villa des Roses
24-Sep Kroko
25-Sep Millions
26-Sep Twinni
27-Sep Knoflikari (Buttoners)
28-Sep L' Uomi in Piu' (A Man Not Wanted)
29-Sep Trolösa (Faithless)
30-Sep Un honnêtte commerçant (Step by Step)
1-Oct Mortinho por Chegar a Casa (Dying to go Home)
2-Oct Koirankynnen Leikkaaja (Dog Nail Clipper)

7:00 PM
22-Sep Millions
22-Sep Twinni
23-Sep Knoflikari (Buttoners)
24-Sep Liever verliefd (I love to love)
25-Sep Extranjeras (Foreign Women)
26-Sep Un honnêtte commerçant (Step by Step)
27-Sep Koirankynnen Leikkaaja (Dog Nail Clipper)
28-Sep Mortinho por Chegar a Casa (Dying to go Home)
29-Sep L' Uomi in Piu' (A Man Not Wanted)
30-Sep L' Auberge Espagnole (The Spanish Apartment)
1-Oct Kroko
2-Oct Trolösa (Faithless)

10:00 PM
23-Sep Koirankynnen Leikkaaja (Dog Nail Clipper)
24-Sep L' Uomi in Piu' (A Man Not Wanted)
25-Sep Trolösa (Faithless)
26-Sep Villa des Roses
27-Sep L' Auberge Espagnole (The Spanish Apartment)
28-Sep Kroko
29-Sep Extranjeras (Foreign Women)
30-Sep Knoflikari (Buttoners)
1-Oct Liever verliefd (I love to love)
2-Oct Mortinho por Chegar a Casa (Dying to go Home)

Free admission at the Shang! First come first served. Symposium about the European Cinema at 11 am Cinema 1.

Un honnêtte commer­çant (Belgium) by Director Ulrike Schweiger

Hubert Verkammenm a suspected drug trafficker and murderer, is being interrogated at the police station. A fascinating interrogation play between the inspectors and the suspect leads up to an unexpected climax.

Villa des Roses (Belgium) by Director Frank Van Passel

Paris 1913. In the Villa des Roses, a small boarding house, the arrival of the new maid, Louise brings about a welcome change, especially to one of the male guests, Mr. Grunewald. A bittersweet story about the other side of love and romance.

Knoflikari (Czech Republic) by Director Petr Zelenka

If you’ve always thought of Czech films as being downright weird and impossible to follow, then go and see Buttoners and surprise yourself. Sure, it’s pretty offbeat and surreal, but with its hilarious dialogue and visual jokes, combined with the way it all fits together so neatly, Buttoners is actually very easy to watch.

Koirankynnen Leikkaaja (Finland) by Director Markku Pölönen

The basic story is simple. The main character is Mertsi, an idealist, who even went to war as a volunteer and returned crippled. His overwhelming idealism transforms into a small act – that of clipping a dog’s nails – and becomes an obsession, and in the end – fails. The world may bite but life goes on.

L’ Auberge Espagnole (France) by Director Cédric Klapsich

Xavier (Duds), a young French economics student getting his first taste of the rest of Europe moves into an apartment in Barcelona with a group of other European collegiates, including guys from Italy, Denmark, and Germany and girls from England, Belgium, an Andalusia. Together, the septet share a series of adventures which include some budding romances.

Kroko (Germany) by Director Silke Enders

The 16 year old Kroko, better known as the Queen of the ‘hood and her’ girls have nothing better to do than to terrorize the neighborhood. When she’s placed into a home for disabled people by the juvenile courts, she becomes the object of her friends’ mockery. The new situation forces her to look at life from a different side.

L’Uomo in Pui’ (Italy) by Director Paolo Sorrentino

Naples in the 80’s. Two men with the same name, Antonio Pisapia, are famous and successful: one is a pop singer, the other a soccer player in a Major League team. They have nothing in common except the name and a destiny of failure and disillusion, when their professional and personal life suddenly collapse. At this point they meet only once by chance…the finale is intriguing and unexpected, proving the ability of the young director who is currently considered Italy’s most promising author.

Liever verliefd (The Nethrelands) by Director Pim van Hoeve

A romantic comedy. Anna is a young woman in her early thirties. When her lover Dirk (a doctor would you believe?) breaks up with her because he wants to give his marriage a chance, she totally freaks out. For her, no more men. Never again! Ever!

Mortinho por Chegar a Casa (Portugal) by Director Carlos da Silva and George Shizer

Fantasy fun drama “Mortinho por Chegar a Casa” portrays a Portuguese immigrant in Amsterdam, who is killed in an accident to awaken in a cemetery as a ghost. Realizing that the only way he can find peace is to have his bones buried in his native land, Santu leaves for his hometown to seek help from his family.

Extranjeras (Spain) by Director Helena Taberna

The documentary film Extranjeras shows the diverse aspects of the lives, hopes, and experiences of various immigrant women living in Madrid. A fresh and different look at the social phenomenon of immigration in contemporary Spain.

Trolösa (Sweden) by Director Liv Ullmann

The emotional and riveting drama about the three adults caught in a love triangle and the resulting devastating consequences. Written by Ingmar Bergman, adapted and directed by Liv Ullmann, Faithless is a loosely based on a true episode in the life of the Swedish director.

Million (UK) by Director Danny Boyle)

A week before Britain converrs to the Euro, a railway heist goes wrong and millions of pounds sterling land at the feet of the two young boys, who then set out on an adventure of a lifetime, and eventually learn that true wealth has nothing to do with Money.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Calling

Last Saturday, the Singles for Christ had a Global One, a joint celebration in the different parts of the world. This is a call to support the international missions of the Couples for Christ ministry. As of today, there are 101 countries who have been receiving the renewal of Christ. We are not nuns nor priests. We are not all Catholics. But we are all Christians and that is what matters. We abide by the teachings of the Church and try to live like Christ. We hope that by June of next year, we will be able to spread towards 153 countries. Why 153? John 21:1-11 says:

Afterward Jesus appeared again to his disciples, by the Sea of Tiberias. It happened this way: Simon Peter, Thomas (called Didymus), Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples were together. "I'm going out to fish," Simon Peter told them, and they said, "We'll go with you." So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.

Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.

He called out to them, "Friends, haven't you any fish?"
"No," they answered.

He said, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some." When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.

Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, "It is the Lord," he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water. The other disciples followed in the boat, towing the net full of fish, for they were not far from shore, about a hundred yards. When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread.

Jesus said to them, "Bring some of the fish you have just caught."

Simon Peter climbed aboard and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn.


Coincidentally, the gospel for last Sunday spoke about service. From Matthew 20:1-16:
Jesus said, "The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. After agreeing with the laborers for the usual daily wage, he sent them into his vineyard. When he went out about nine o'clock, he saw others standing idle in the marketplace; and he said to them, `You also go into the vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.' So they went. When he went out again about noon and about three o'clock, he did the same. And about five o'clock he went out and found others standing around; and he said to them, `Why are you standing here idle all day?' They said to him, `Because no one has hired us.' He said to them, `You also go into the vineyard.' When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his manager, `Call the laborers and give them their pay, beginning with the last and then going to the first.' When those hired about five o'clock came, each of them received the usual daily wage. Now when the first came, they thought they would receive more; but each of them also received the usual daily wage. And when they received it, they grumbled against the landowner, saying, `These last worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat.' But he replied to one of them, `Friend, I am doing you no wrong; did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage? Take what belongs to you and go; I choose to give to this last the same as I give to you. Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous?' So the last will be first, and the first will be last."


The speaker was Patrick Frias. Eight years ago, his father died in a car accident as he was a volunteer in the CFC missions. He died with a missionary. Patrick's heart was so full of hatred and resentment to God. He believed that his dad was doing a good deed and He took him. He blamed CFC for his death. Yet he was inspired to be a missionary. He even found it amusing that in times that he opened the bible, he found the verses which could feed his hungry heart.

One of the sharers is Bambi Donato, the head for the missions. Her dad was the missionary who perished with Pat's dad. She never blamed God for what happened. Instead, she took this as a sign that she should be the one following her dad's footsteps.

Another sharer was Nestor Belen. He is personally known to me since college days since he was our president in UPLB CFC-Youth for Christ. As a student I was always inspired by his humility and dedication. When he decided to become a missionary instead of taking the board exams for agricultural engineering, it did not come as a surprise, since we have been working in the campus closely with the missionaries. This is his story which I got in an emal:

August 20, 2005


The missionary and the villagers

WHEN a Filipino missionary sent by the Couples For Christ (CFC) to Papua New Guinea first "discovered" in early 2003 the 70 clan families living in abject condition at Gerehu Stage 6, a depressed area on the fringes of north Port Moresby, his heart sank.

What he saw appalled him: a kind of poverty deeply rooted on a piece of land too barren to yield anything that could satisfy hunger and nourish life. The families' run-down stilt houses were ready to collapse from old age, with roofs that leaked every time it rained. There was nearly no food on the table.

A kerosene lamp lighting up their evenings was considered a luxury and if there was meal to cook, they did it on a dirt stove. Hardly had they worn fresh-smelling clothes and instead what they had was nothing but rag. The only source of water could be found a few hundred meters away at the foot a barren hill, and yet it was not safe. A small space behind the tall grass in the bush served as their toilet. Their school-age children were out of school and a number of the young ones were sickly because they had never seen a doctor or had had taken any medication at all for lack of money to buy medicine.

While they made a living hunting in the nearby forest and fishing in the nearby swamp, several of their clan members were involved in criminal activities that became known to city people as "raskols" (rascals or thugs). They became notorious for robbing city residents and made their village equally notorious for being haven for raskols that people avoided getting near to it.

What made their lives more miserable was that each family lived in isolation in the village. The nearest neighbor was several meters away and the divide between them was overwhelmed by tall grass that almost blocked one's view from seeing the other house.

No one bothered about the other family. If the man in the family had the opportunity to steal what the other had, he would do it. In short, sense of care for one's neighbor was something they were unaware of and self-esteem was something they had yet to discover in their hearts.

The 70 clan families are made up of two factions whose mother clan first settled in their ancestral village called Borehoho some 50 years ago.

Although the two clan leaders are half-brothers, their families had been at war against each other, arising from a brawl many years ago involving youths from both sides. One consolation to them is that they own the land that made up Gerehu Stage 6.

Seeing all this, Nestor Belen, the 28-years-old CFC missionary from Manila, immediately knew that he just found what he had been looking for: a group of people which he hoped to help rise from poverty by transforming them into persons who would later live harmoniously with others in a community. After scouring many villages and settlements in Port Moresby for the ideal place where CFC could launch the Gawad Kalinga movement, Nestor finally settled with Gerehu Stage 6.

Why he decided that this place would be his pet village had been inspired by an incident he witnessed at a shop in the city.

While shopping for the week's supply, he saw a young man pocketed a can of sardines from the store shelf and casually walked out of the store. Nestor followed him outside and when the young man paused, apparently to wait for his companions, he approached the culprit and introduced himself as a missionary from the Philippines. Sensing that he had gained his confidence after a brief chat with him, Nestor went in for the kill, by telling him: "I saw what you did inside. How come you did that?" He went on, telling him that it was wrong to steal from others. Cornered, the young man said he had no job and no money to buy the item he just stole. And then he asked the missionary: Why are you asking . what's the big deal?"

"I would like to see the place where you live . and meet your family . And maybe your neighbors," Nestor replied.

But then, he young man, saying they had no neighbors, agreed on his persistence, warning him however that he won't like his place, and giving him no explanation. But anyway, Nestor was given the direction where he could find the place and the bus that he should take to get there.

The next day, with a backpack strung on his shoulder Nestor took PMV bus No. 9 which plied the Gerehu route. Reaching the roundabout (rotunda) which the young man had described, he asked the bus driver to drop him off.

"Brother. where do you want to go?"
"Gerehu Stage 6, brother ."
"Stage 6 . why? Do you want to die?"
"No . I want to help the people there ."

Nestor had to walk the three-kilometer stretched of pot-holed road that led to Stage 6, unaware of the dangers that the place had become notorious for. It was like a journey into uncertainty. But from then on, he had never stopped coming back to the village - rain or shine - undaunted by the great difficulty of trying to communicate with the villagers about why he was there. Overtime, however, he became a welcome guest to the villagers and was later treated like a family, eating with them and spending the night on occasions in their ramshackle homes. But most of all he worked hard to convince them that people cared for them and that there was hope for everybody in the village to free themselves from the yoke of their impoverished life.

"Our work at GK is all about building relationship with the clan members and keeping in mind that they are children of God and they deserve a dignified life." Nestor told this writer.

It was Holy Week in 2003 when things started to take a positive turn. The seemingly impossible transformation of Gerehu Stage 6 from a very deplorable and raskol-infested area to a clean and peaceful and God-centered community began to unravel.

Upon the co-operation and generosity of the clan elders, a portion of their traditional land was set aside for Gawad Kalinga for community development projects. Here, the villagers themselves and their poorest-of-the-poor neighbors who are homeless are the home beneficiaries. Initially, a new colorful house was built with the money coming from the pockets of the CFC members, who are the people behind the movement. Then, a few months later, ten new houses were proudly standing next to each other. Very soon 40 more new houses will rise. As in the first house, the money that built the houses came from the CFC members and from their fund-raising activities.Before the new houses came, the neighborhood association was started, values formation and community orientation courses were introduced to the families and a sustainable livelihood program was launched.

The most difficult part in the transformation process was, and still is, the "self-cleansing" process. GK calls this "revolution from within". The person has to be transformed right from the inside - the way he thinks about himself and the things around him; the way he regards the members of his family, his neighbors and the whole community. What are his responsibilities towards his own family, his neighbors and the community? So, before a family could be accepted into "kapit-bahayan" and later to qualify as a home recipient, the husband and his wife had to attend a once-a-week "self-cleansing" process that lasted for 15 weeks. And the way to find out who among those wanting to join the "kapit-bahayan" were taking the "cleansing process" by heart was through their attendance during the entire program. The self-cleansing process was tough for the participants. It was something new to them. They have to transform themselves over this 15-week period into persons "who are loving and caring . persons who will now live among the community of people who respect the next person and his property". In short, they should be able to rid themselves of their old values and bad habits if they were to live in the emerging community, says Nestor.

Gradually, a ray of hope lit the faces of the villagers. Their self- transformation has begun as they saw themselves under a new light. And so the physical changes around the village. After the 10 houses were built, electricity was brought in by PNG Power Corp through a company executive who's an active member of GK.

Meanwhile, the village water system will soon be installed. And food gardens replaced the once-barren land. Pre-school kids are learning songs, and learning how to write the alphabet and numbers as well. They are now eating the right food and are getting health care. Illegal activities stopped and rascals could no longer hide in the place as the village was rid off of tall grasses and carcasses of stolen vehicles that had littered the area.

Through values formation programs, people learn to share and to care for their neighbors. Clan leaders begin to lead and teach their people on discipline and hard work. And everyone now sees the vision of making their place a peaceful, clean and self-sustaining community.

People living near the village were no longer afraid to go to G-S6 and to walk even in the middle of the night for they know that no one will hurt them anymore.

Today, life has never been the same for the people Gerehu-Gawad Kalinga Village. But for them, the revolution they have started almost two years ago will have to go on. That's the only way to break away completely from the poverty that had enslaved them all their lives.

And Nestor the missionary --- how could they ever thank him? Deep in their hearts, they believe he was God-sent. (end)

That Saturday for the Global One, Papa Nes (as I fondly call him) said that he did not know why he even said that he wanted to go to G6.

Service for the people of God comes with a sound mind, sound body, sound soul, and sound heart. You can be truly happy if you are not expecting any return. One can attain the eternal kingdom after all. Bring other people closer to Christ is more than enough, as what God is.

The CFC global missions needs men and women of God. Do you have the calling?

Monday, September 19, 2005

Jobs and more jobs

Sick of your work? Want new one? Need something to keep you busy? Cash is necessary? Have to make use of your talents! Then this is for you.Mark these days!

September 24-25, 2005 Jobstreet Job Fair (someone told me that this is on 23-24 so go on the 24th to be sure. hahaha)
October 14-16, 2005 5th Mega Job Fair

Both events will take place at the Megatrade hall, SM Megamall.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Time is Everything

I got these pesky messages from one of my supposedly sisters. She asked me if I went to the anniversary celebration last Saturday. I said no. She inquired why. I told her I wanted to be there badly but I have more important things to do. Then she said that I sounded concerned when I was invoking for their support, then I would not appear at the celebration She said that my initial reason was that I do not have the time. She even added that they would not listen to me anymore. I wanted to tell her that she knows my health would not permit it, that I should get enough rest for the day, that the weather is not always convenient but I did not. There is no use arguing with her, knowing her who always seem so righteous...

In the first place, when did they ever listen to me? The 10th anniversary last year is still fresh in my memory. One of the moderators blocked me in our yahoo group for "pressuring" them, when in fact I wanted them to perform well because it was the 10th anniversary. After I talked to the other moderator he unblocked me but he set the options that all messages should be approved by the moderator. I can only say ok but I consider them narrow-minded and one-sided. In December of last year, I got this message that I am forwarding too many messages. One told me of this and said that the others are also discussing about it. They reasoned out that their inbox is getting full. To think that I get around 50 emails in a day. Hah! I do not even send spam nor chain mails. Now I do not send them enough emails.

Back to the present I reasoned out that my schedule would not really permit it. Besides it is in Laguna starting at 1pm for goodness' sake! Think of the time! Scorching heat of the sun. Besides I have classes until 12 nn. The celebration could have ended at past midnight (it was a two-part, one for the games and another for the dinner/ball). The following day, Sunday, I have to be in Quezon city for a more heart-warming responsibility.

I have been with these people for a number of years already and I do not know why I still stick with them. Perhaps because of the name of the group and a few people that I can really rely upon. After all, they are not the ones who can help me when I am troubled. When I was sick they never even bothered to ask why I was not there. Instead they disturbed me for something I should be doing. When I was down with being jobless they never even cared. When I was worried about my family's health the other friends listened to me. I do not want to waste my life pondering over these things. I have to move on.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Call for Life

I was at the Las Piñas District Hospital yesterday for some personal business. After doing the task I decided to drop nby my neighbor's office. While searching, I came across an anguished mother. I thought her child died. Then I learned that my neighbor transferred room. Upon passing by the same route...I saw a dead body wrapped in blanket from head to knees...chilly. It was the boy.

While waiting for her in the social services department, I heard a lot of stories from the patients and employees...I learned more about the people living in poverty. I proved that even if the patient is dead the body cannot be brought out of the hospital if there are still payments to be made. I also heard that a new born infant was abandoned by her mother, she being a 19-year old.

The hospital is located in an improved slum area as it was transferred aroung five years ago. Behind that is a dumpsite. When I got out I can horrifyingly sense the malodorousness. How are the patients supposed to recover immediately in that manner? Calling the attention of the local government of Las Piñas, supposedly the cleanest and greenest city...


We heard mass at the Manila Cathedral and much to our suprise, the church was filled last Sunday! It turned out the the Manila Chapter is celebrating the feast of Our Lady of Peñafrancia a week earlier than it is supposed to be in Naga. I should be crossing one of the pews since it was not yet filled but this woman tried to barricade me saying that someone is seating there (ah typical hateful Filipino attitude). I snapped back saying I won't sit there. After all I was just checking the other side...

The mass started half an hour late. Some politicians were there including Mayor Lito Atienza. It was a concelebration, I was not able to see how many bishops and priests were there. Honestly, I cannot remember the homliy. I can recall that the beshop was preaching about the snap elections but his words did not lead to anything. That was a bit good considering the the 11th of September is the natal day of my greatest hero-Ferdinand Marcos and I do not care much about the 9/11 incident.

So there the mass ended at past 8pm! Forgiveness...forgive the unscrupulous leaders of the world. Forgive the irresponsible citizens. Forgive ourselves and not forget, for these are lessons that we learn in life.

Friday, September 09, 2005

A Light in Sadness

Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince was released last July 16. Still feeling sad about it? Click here.

No, sorry I do not have the book. I do not have even one HP book. Why? Moolah. Gee it's one of my Christmas wishes...to have them all.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Days of Ponder

Since I have been home for two weekdays, I was able to tune in and be updated on what's going on, especially on the street demonstrations and impeachment proceedings.

The nation knows that the justice report did not gain favor. My friend told me that those who agreed were paid PHP10M while those who did not care PHP5M. That is a lot of money. For me. But considering their ranks and honor, that is little. Besides our nation is relying heavily on foreign debt and GMA has the guts to have that money???So far the e-vat is on the negative. This is good because we are earning less than sufficient, and e-vat means more tax...more tax to corrupt and misuse.

I was focusing on the conditions of the education but after four pages it felt like crap. Who was I fooling anyway?

The countrty is not on the verge of collapse. It is already collapsing.

Why am I still here? I am talented and intelligent.

Because I still have dreams...I believe that my ideals can someday be real.

BUT if I have the chance I will leave.

I am confused.

Friday, September 02, 2005

No to Hospital Privatization

I read in the papers last night that GMA is displacing the Fabella Hospital and the Lung Center of the Philippines. Instead she signed that these will be located at the LCP and will be called National Women's Medical Center, with East Avenue Medical Center staff taking over.

My reaction was gaga pala sya, inggit lang sya. I could not help but say these things.

Then her next steps would be the Philippine Heart Center and the National Kidney Institute.

I guess she does not have all these organs. Government hospitals established by Imelda Marcos provide the best care at a reasonable price for private individuals, and those that cannot afford are subsidized by the government, and even the lawmakers (congressmen and senators). They have the best technologies and equipments too. The medicines there are affordable. Outside mine can be bought for more than a thousand pesos but at the LCP it is less than that and it means much to me.

If we are to be concerned about the employees, they are the real heroes. They receive a measly amount for their services. Who called the OFWs heroes anyway? Because they bring dollar to the country's reserves and persevere with the pain of being away from their loved ones? Stupid. We are the heroes, we are sticking to this poverty-stricken and corrupt country to help others.

This is not a case of rationalization. This is a case of selfishness and pure enviousness because she has nothing that can be proud of.

We do not need a women's medical center. If she wants that then let her create one from the ashes, not from something existing.

I wonder if she is thinking of PGH too.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

West B-Home of the Champs

Upon my arrival at Tatalon at 5:50 am Saturday, August 27, 2005, the children were already in one bus and their parents/companions were in the other bus. Even if we wanted to have a little breakfast, we were not able to do so because we were busy keeping up and checking with the kids. All the children were seated and aroung 6:30 am, the bus rolled on the way to Marikina Sports Complex. Under the EDSA tunnel along Quezon Ave., they were shrieking since it was dark there. Note that they are more than a hundred and the girls and boys are mixed. Their ages are 7-13.

We arrived in Marikina in a few minutes and assembled outside. They got their admission tickets and upon entrance they saw the big and wide sports plaza. We tried to keep them from running, but hey, they are more boisterous than us. We went to our area and they settled there.

The parade started at around 8am and the children who were participants in the field demo, fun games, and sports events assembled. SAGIP kids from all over Metro Manila joined in these. When a team parades they proceed to the field demo. Then the torch was lighted by relay. The games began sumulatenously with some performances. How many people were there? Around two thousand.

We got tired from looking for the children, running after them, having them run with us. In the morning the sun shone brightly but the heavens had mercy on us SFCs that it rained the whole afternoon. hahaha.

After these, mass was held and during the awarding ceremonies someone proposed marriage, to coin the term, used the kids. Since there were so many events I was not able to take note,. Besides it was so noisy. West B consisting of Tatalon, San Jose, and Don Manuel was the over-all champion...and the biggest delegation of SFCs.

This is the second year of the SAGIP Olympics, to foster brotherhood, camaraderie, and sportsmanship among the children, all for the learning and glory of the Lord.