Speak It Out

Work is my commitment. Learning is my passion. Faith is my strength. Love is my life.

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Location: Manila, Philippines

The name Ardythe:good war (Anglo-saxon); flowering field (Hebrew); spiritual prosperity (Swedish); Norwegian goddess.

Monday, June 08, 2009

An Enrolled Student Am I

Since after all my experiences last week/last month, all my dull moments were spent pondering about my future, wondering about the coming semester, dilly-dallying about my health condition, blaming about the inefficiency of the UP Manila CPH and PGH. All the other free time that I had were also spent, on prayer.

I semi-followed my classmate's advice, to come at around 7:30am.I set my alarm at 5am, but woke up at 4am. By 5, I got out of the bed and prepared. I was able to leave the house before 6:30am. At 6:52am, I was already writing my name on the list. I am the 16th.

"They" arrived at past 7am, and to think that "they" would be "open" at 8:30am.

By 8:25, I went to UP health service in PGH. Last Friday, the nurses promised me that I would be the first to be attended to. Seems that they have forgotten that, and I did not bother to remind them. I was the 4th. From time to time, I would go out of the waiting area, since tere was no network signal there and I would text my colleagues. At 9:30am, the consultant arrived and the first patient got in. By 10am, my colleagues said that we have been called. I cannot do anything, I have to wait for him. He saw me at 10:10am.I sort of "pleaded' with him to sign my medical certificate, relating to him my agony just for me to be enrolled for the semester. He was kind enough to give consent, and I shouted "YES!" in his clinic. I gleefully proceeded to the nurse station.(In case that he did not allow me, I would not tell in this blog how I would pass by it,f or sure, him not involved, of couse. Hehehe.)

I went back to CPH, it was 10:30. I saw that the list was already on the 60s. No one was called. Then we were sent off to have lunch and be back by 1:30pm. I retained my number I just had to inform the guard.

It was already 1:50pm when I was called. Then we had to wait. By 2:00pm, I had my grades and paper for class schedule. I went to Dr. Rabuco and we discussed about it. at 2:15pm, I handed my sheet to the college secretary's office.Then we had to wait...for 1 hour and 55 minutes. Yes, I got my form 5 at 4:10pm. I had Dr. Rabuco sign and I "flew" to the registrar's office.

It took me less than 10 minutes to go there. I saw that the paying time was only until 4pm. We were not informed. I tried to talk to the guards, they said that they would be reprimanded. I asked the staff...these are young girls, and they would not agree. I said that I would speak to their officer. they closed the door in my face. How arrogant and disrepectful, to think that these were undergraduate students, and these students are working as student assistants, and they get paid for their job! I was asking nicely.I already got absent for 2 days for my physical and medical exam and then this? I was there before 7am and then what? The guard asked why we did not come early. I snapped that it was the college's fault, not mine.

Then I saw someone paying, and behind her was the guy whom the guard also told that they were closed. I fell in line just the same. The cashier did not say anything, she just asked the guard how many more are left through hand signal. So there! I like that cashier!

One of my colleagues commented that she thought that they have the worst condition. She was wrong when she experienced what we went through.

Now I just have to get my classcards from the college secretary's office.

The system really needs to be improved, involve service-oriented people who are considerate, and design an easier scheme. UPD and UPLB can register online. Why don't they change their ways? In UPLB I can register in 2 hours...not 2 days.

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Friday, June 05, 2009

Enrolment is STRESSFUL

21 May 2009

I was able to finish my work before lunch. I proceeded to Pedro Gil to eat my lunch, then get my grades from the college secretary's office in CPH. One of the staff said that I should get the classcard from the department, so I went to Dr. Rabuco's office. She said that she did not fill out the classcards, hence I should get them from the CS. I went back, then the same staff said that she does not have them, that I should ask the staff from the department. As I was about to go out, I saw the staff from the deparment, and this lady was with me during the conversation. I asked the CS staff if they issue the grades sheet which is the same as that given during enrollment. She said that I have to pay a certain fee. I agreed. Then she also said that I can access my grades online, I replied that I do not know about that. While she was enrolling me for online usage, the department staff was handed sheets of paper, wherein she showed me the grades. After that I knew that I passed all my subjects, with an awesome smile on my face.

At about 1:10pm I proceeded to PGH UP Health Service for my annual physical exam (PE). I was happy that we are not required to undergo dental anymore. It would be a burden off our shoulders. Besides, I just visited the dentist that week also. The "gates" of the health service opened at 1:30pm. Duh...where is efficient service here? No lines, no numbers, no listings. Everyone rushed to the counter. After all that, I was finally entertained then proceeded to wait for the health service doctor on duty. He arrived at 2:30pm. Duh-uh!!! He saw me at 3:30pm. Since my blood pressure was high at that day, he referred me to Internal Medicine(IM)-Cardiology at Out-patient Department (OPD). When I got there, they were already closed.

My classmate said that my blood pressure was high since I was stressed from all the waiting and that doctor. Hahaha.

2 June 2009
After lunch. I was back at OPD. I went to IM, who said that it should be at Family Medicine (FM) I went up at FM, who then said that it should be done by a private doctor. I asked why was I referred there in that case. Some enlightenment came to the nurse, she sent me back to IM. Then the IM guy told me to get inside Room 1 (he was the same one who asked me to go to FM). The nurse in IM said that Cardiology is done only on the mornings of Wednesday and Friday. That day was Tuesday. I went back to Health Service and asked about it. I was given a number and had to wait for the consultant. The consultant did not give consent. Instead she asked me to undergo laboratory tests (ECG, FBS, cholesterol, glucose, urinalysis and serum potassium). I could have them done at any diagnostic laboratory. She gave me a medication.

I went to Medocare. They can do all, except for the FBS since it was only 3:20pm. They asked me to come back the following day. They are open at 6am.

3 June 2009
At 5:45am, I was waiting outside Medocare. The staff arrived at 6:05am. They entertained me at once. I underwent the tests and by 8:14, I was already in Alabang, at work. I was not late, since late starts at 8:31am.

4 June 2009
I was back at Medocare to get the results. The doctor on duty was kinda impatient even if there were only a few people. Perhaps she has some other things to attend to. After seeing me and the results, she diagnosed me, but there was no indication that she was allowing me to enroll. I told her that but she did not put it on paper. She had me undergo Ultrasound of KUB and 2-D echo. Immediately after that, I had the ultrasound. They do not have the facility for the 2-D echo.

I went to do my inspection. I was finished before 2pm.

My classsmate texted me that enrolment was cancelled due to rains. I did not go to PGH anymore. Upon arriving home, I called PGH, health service was still operating.I After that I called UST Hospital and inquired about 2-D Echo. Since I have Medocare, I asked if it could be approved. They said that the coordinator was on duty 11am-1pm only. I asked for his number. I called him and the secretary said that I go there, since I live nearby. Upon arriving, she called Medocare and after a few misunderstandings with the customer call agent, I had my approval. I was scheduled for Tuesday. Since the results are out after three working days, that means I can get them on June 13 (June 12 is a holiday). I have to present them back to Medocare, wherein the doctor is available on Tuesday and Thursday. I will be out of town from Jun 15-18, so I will be back at Medocare on June 23.

5 June 2009
I went back to Health Service. Lo and behold, it was already 9am and they have not yet started. The system was very disorganized: lines here and there, lists here and there, people everywhere. Ventilation was very inadequate. There were around 40 people in there. Finally it was my turn and I presented my lab results to the nursing staff. I was given a number and waited for Dr. Cristina de la Peña, who, at 9:15am, went out to eat. Duh-uh! she came back at around 10am. She asked us to fill the forms, the weight, height, etc. and even the words "I refuse to undergo breast, rectal, abdominal and genital examination." I was kinda surprised. She was the only doctor who asked us to do that. From there, I had doubts about her. I went back to CPH and got my number - 106, and it was only the 17th that they were entertaining at that time.

My turn came. She asked me what she must do. She did not read my lab results. She had me interpret them all. I am sure that she does not even know what the normal references are, since she relied from my information. She even did not get my blood pressure, I had to remind her to do that. She does not know where she should sign, what she should check, or what she should write. I got frustrated but thanked her anyway.

Back at the nurse station, I informed the nurses of what she did. They said that she is only in first year. First year in medical practice I presume. They asked me to come back on Monday, there would be a consulant. They assured me that I would be the first.

That means I have to take a leave again on Monday like what I did today.

My classmate and I had lunch. We were discussing that if one of us had Influenza A (H1N1) we would all be infected. We went to CPH after lunch. Many were waiting, up to number 47 was called (it stopped at 22 before lunch). The CS doors were still closed. They were to resume at 1:30pm but at 2pm, they were still closed. I went back to Dr. Rabuco (my adviser) and told her of my concern. She said that we have to abide by the rules. She was hoping that we could pull it through, even if impossible. Enrolment, by the way, is only until June 9.

I said good-bye to my classmates and went to PAL ticketing office. There, it took me less than 15 minutes to get my tickets, sitting on a very comfortable couch with cool air-conditioning.

I took a jeep and then got off to deposit at BPI. Quick, in less than 5 minutes, I was on the street and paid my internet provider.

Then now I am home...

What would happen on Monday? PE is done annually, enrollment happens thrice in a school year...Has there always been chaos and disorder? Plus the fact that the staff moves slowly and inefficiently?