The Summit
This post has been going in my mind for quite sometime. Yet it is so short...
The Philippines is the host for the ASEAN Summit. We knew of this last January. Yet my boss was doubtful-she is a Cebuana and she asked where it will be held in Cebu, since there is no convention center there?
Months after that, Cebu began building the center. It was not finished on time. Add the fact that during rainfall, pails and water dippers could be found all over the place, to catch the dripping water.
It's okay that Cebu can brag about being the host, but it's a shame for the whole country that it has been postponed for next year.
The Philippines is the host for the ASEAN Summit. We knew of this last January. Yet my boss was doubtful-she is a Cebuana and she asked where it will be held in Cebu, since there is no convention center there?
Months after that, Cebu began building the center. It was not finished on time. Add the fact that during rainfall, pails and water dippers could be found all over the place, to catch the dripping water.
It's okay that Cebu can brag about being the host, but it's a shame for the whole country that it has been postponed for next year.