Speak It Out

Work is my commitment. Learning is my passion. Faith is my strength. Love is my life.

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Location: Manila, Philippines

The name Ardythe:good war (Anglo-saxon); flowering field (Hebrew); spiritual prosperity (Swedish); Norwegian goddess.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Kind WordsWill Do

I am so stressed. I am even sick. To think that I am working only for 8 hours, excluding lunch. I am exhaused because I lack sleep, like I can be in bed at 9pm and fall asleep only at 10:30. It must be the Tv. It is the Tv! My sleep is comprised of only a little more than 6 hours.

At work, I am pressured. I enjoy my work, but sometimes, there are uncertain things that happen. Like yesterday, as I was just about to go home, somebody demanded to know what this certain piece of paper is doing on her desk. It was from me and I completely forgot about it. Someone asked me to scan it and somebody said that she will return to hard copy to me. She did not. Somebody then asked me when did I give it to her and I replied last week. She asked anong week na ngayon? (What week is it?) I wanted to answer her this week. Hehehe. She was yelling at me!!! Well primarily it was her fault anyway. She then said that she will be the one to email it to the person concerned and asked for the email address. I replied that I do not have her email address, because all our contacts in the Outlook was gone when we reformatted our pc. She snapped why we did not save those. Like hello? Who would bother to save around 200 email addresses? Definitely not me, or my team mates for that matter. Makes me miss my former superiors, who tell me and remind me using soft voices and kind words. After all, they have the same effect, and lessens the tension in the environment and in the muscles of the one speaking (not the one being told to).

I have an interview next week at a fast-food chain. I love my job, but if things like this always happen, then I will not think twice over a higher-paying job that I am aspiring. Higher because the pay is twice!


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