Speak It Out

Work is my commitment. Learning is my passion. Faith is my strength. Love is my life.

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Location: Manila, Philippines

The name Ardythe:good war (Anglo-saxon); flowering field (Hebrew); spiritual prosperity (Swedish); Norwegian goddess.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Cleaning up

I was arranging our room yesterday and I came upon a lot of papers and books. Then I saw this basket woven like a bayong (is it clear?) . I remembered who gave this but I forgot what it contained. A bottle. But what was in the bottle? I hesitated and thought more, thought harder. I am still unsure if it was honey. I forgot where it came from but I know who did.

I checked out some of my toys. I'm really not fond of stuffed toys. So I'm giving away all of them I only have three anyway. Two were Christmas gifts and one was a Valentine gift.

These cleaning up reminds me that I have to take down the "Winter in the Farm" painting when I already have a replacement. I want a more alive and colorful one. Malang's can do.


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