Speak It Out

Work is my commitment. Learning is my passion. Faith is my strength. Love is my life.

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Location: Manila, Philippines

The name Ardythe:good war (Anglo-saxon); flowering field (Hebrew); spiritual prosperity (Swedish); Norwegian goddess.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Mixed Up

When one loves, the person is happy. Or maybe I should say, they are both happy, since love cannot just be felt by one. The minimum is two, and there is no maximum. They do things together and help one another grow. As time passes, they discover a lot more things, be it in common or differences. In that they can compare and weigh, and get to different conclusions, yet at the same time, maintaining their communication that is most essential in their personality development.
When trials creep in, and misunderstanding gets in the way, it could really hurt. It sends them to different directions and interpretations. This is most true especially when commitment is an issue. It has been said that isn't love enough to keep a commitment? That is why there is no commitment when there is no love, and love is not real when commitment has not yet entered into their vocabulary.
Different relationships, different levels of commitment, different kinds of love.


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